Friday, February 17, 2006

Duck! (aka Brace for Impact!)

So, we're in the process of registering a dodgeball team. We could have a couple more people join, but we're just about there. Official registration begins next week and we'll have to have a team name selected.

A number of good names have been put forth:

The Blue Balls
The Balloonies
Bruised Balls
Dodge This (tm)
Balls Away
Oh the Huge Manatee!
Behold the Power of Balls
Spaghetti and Dodgeballs
Llama Llama Dodgeball
Don't Hit Me!
Flash Le Bray and the Amazing Ballers
Testes of Despair
Never Nudes
501st Ballahs
Agrarian Revolt
Aim Low

I kinda like Flash Le Bray and the Amazing Ballers, but that might just be me. The team is voting on the pared down choices. So far, there are votes for Ballahs, Agrarian Revolt and Aim Low.

I'll keep you updated on the results.


Anonymous said...

What about the chupa-thingies, huh?

I like it.

Daorcey Le Bray said...

I'd say we're more like a Puma.

Go Pumas!

Anonymous said...

...yer makin' that up. Why not just call yourselves the Yunicorrns?

Now what did I just tell ya about making up animals?

All right. I'm done now. I think I'll cast my ballot for the never nudes. Just because it seems particularly apt in this case. Keep pants....on.


joelthedramakid said...

heh Chupa-thingies

i like it.

What about Dodgeball Z ?

I got nothing just wanted to comment...

ok ttyl

Daorcey Le Bray said...

Looks like Joel's post has been brought to you by "boobies!"

//Geek joke... sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, how about Guys and Balls?
I also like Dodgepodge.
Bally Llamas?
Crouching Ligers?

Daorcey Le Bray said...

It's been decided. We are now the brilliant Thundercougarfalconbirds

Nat said...

Do I get a special prize for suggesting the winning name?