Friday, June 12, 2009

Vacation = Nap Time

After a week and a half, I've had many chances to explain what made the latest vacation so fantastic. After a few tries, I think I've figured it out.

I rested.

Or, more importantly, I finally realized that a good vacation doesn't need to be a constant rush; it's not a bad thing to sleep in or people watch or chill in a park. So, this time around, we were quite comfortable sleeping in (or to a reasonable time), leisurely visiting a museum and then spending the rest of the day wandering, eating and resting.

That's a vacation I can get behind.

Of course, there probably is a difference between a restful trip and a trip when I nap all the time... hmmm... places I slept this trip include:

  • Planes
  • Trains
  • Taxis
  • Buses
  • Boats
  • A proper bed
  • A friend's couch
  • Brighton beach
  • St. James' Park


QA Monkey said...

You look like an angry man-baby! It may only be the picture.
Just saying.

Daorcey Le Bray said...

.... not sure I'm seeing what you're saying.

Natalie, do I look like "angry man-baby" when I sleep?

james said...

the only thing better than napping (and there are few), is napping when you're far away. . .