Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Too much window

I have a glass walled office. Well, there are two, uh, normal walls that, uh, you can't see through. To my right are two large panes of glass into the main hallway of the office and to my left are two large windows that overlook a roof.

In case you haven't asked me what I do: I write. Ok, I do a few other things, but it mostly involves a lot of writing things like releases, strategy documents, briefings, reports, memos, etc.

Sometimes, the words just flow. Other times, I stare at the page until things start appearing in 3D.

Yesterday was one of those latter times. After a while, staring at your monitor can make you a little goofy. So, at around 3:30pm, a good song came on the radio and I just randomly rocked out.

If you've never seen me rock out, imagine this: a tubby white man with his thumbs inside of clenched fists and his arms bent so that the fists don't reach much higher than his chin. Next, add a dash of hip shaking in a swivel chair and slight biting of the lower lip. Eyes closed to a strained squint and a head wobble fit for a dashboard novelty figure.

That was me when the Chairman of the company walked by my windows on his way to get a coffee.

We made eye contact. He made a mental note about my competency.


Anonymous said...

*laughs* That's awesome. Arone does that dance, too. Sometimes when he's driving.

Mary said...

So it's a genetic abnormality?

Daorcey Le Bray said...

I was thinking more of a gentic feature.

Anonymous said...

A famous Student council Advisor once said: "Dance like nobody's watching."

Just enjoy the moment

Nicole said...

Yeah, really -- one of your most endearing qualities is your willingness to make an ass of yourself. It's a good thing.

joelthedramakid said...

You guys stealing my moves? WTF? Gawd now i got to make up new ones.


Nat said...

I'm thinking Kristi's decision to not have kids is looking better and better. The world doesn't need more white men dancing.