Thursday, November 06, 2008

I get paid to write, yet...

The curry is cooking and Natalie is on song three of a six song "hard" challenge on Rock Band 2. She's rather pleased with her mad skillz...

I have a Facebook account and a MySpace account and I'm beginning to think I could really care less about them. I really don't have the time or energy to devote to them. Nor do I particularly care to do so.

But it's funny that nearly every other day, I lament the fact that I have seriously neglected the blog. I has been more than a few times when I mention that I miss the old days when I was inspired to write a couple of times a week. And it's not that I don't have anything more to say, it's just that I seem to be that much busier writing material for which I get paid. I think there's some irony in there somewhere...

I miss the blog.

I miss expressing myself in random ways. I miss spending two hours thinking of the most effective way to share a certain thought whether it be humourous, serious or banal. I miss conversations via comments.

Through work, I hear about the evolution of the webz and that what was in just a few years ago (say, around the time of our wedding) is moving on. I should be twittering, not devoting thought to a long and boring post. And that trend makes me wonder if this is what it's like for me to get old... Am I yearning for a comfortable medium when I should be switching it up and running with the pack? Am I about to start yelling at the kids to get off my lawn while I plug away at a blog post about yesterday's news? Sigh... the things that concern me...

I'll get over it soon enough. And I'm hoping it'll mean I'll be back to DarNat more often. I mean, I have thoughts and stories and useless information to share. And there's this whole thing about not driving, which is into it's third month. There's news to be shared with the... zero people who check this little space of the online world.

You know, once I had google analytics on this site and I was so enthralled that we had readers in China, Australia and Texas.... ah, how things have changed.

This has been cathartic. See you again soon... after Natalie and I play some more Fallout 3.


gary said...

I have you in my feed reader. So rest assured at least one person reads every post.

I feel the same about photography. I find that I get enough shots in at work and rarely do any personal stuff. When I actually do some personal stuff, I find it really refreshing. In fact after a good shoot I am energized when I get back into the studio for paid work.

I got fallout 3 a couple of days ago and I'm hooked. I haven't played video games in so long that I've been motion sick for two days, but it seems to be getting better. Now that I think of it I should have popped a Gravol when I started writing this so that it would be kicking in, in time to play some more.

Daorcey Le Bray said...

Thanks, Gary. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Fallout is a good game to get you back into gaming. It'll kill your social life, but it's a great time.