Won't somebody think of the gamers?
Besides the typical reasons for having babies, I have come up with another in order to convince Daorcey that we should begin procreation.
We'll run out of the games we like.
I came across this article, where basically the author thinks this Wii trend is bad for hardcore gamers. Since gimmicky, cheap-to-make games like Cooking Mama and Wii Play for casual gamers are such hits and video game companies are after the money, we can only look forward to more of the same. A game like Grand Theft Auto or Halo cost millions to make and there are few (in comparison to the casual gamers) hardcore gamers. So games with intricate storylines and "out there" graphics will become fewer and farther between. A company can make a ton of gimmicky, mini-game based Wii games for the price of one high-budget game and not have to worry as much about making the money back. So much more shake your Wii around and much less Mass Effect.
This is bad as Daorcey and I like our GTA/Mass Effect/God of War games which are considered "hardcore."
However, demographics are in our favour. Most of the casual gamers are older people and as older people tend to do, they die. I hate to say it, but it's true. They are not all like Old Grandma Hard Core, mashing buttons on Okami and God of War 2. When I'm 70, I hope to be like her.
As well they've missed the window where they can imprint their video game habits on their offspring. But us hardcore gamers are just gearing up to spawn. And this is where it's crucial to continue the cycle of hardcore games: we must teach our children to like what we like. Otherwise we'll lose them to the easy seductive wave of a Wii. We'll watch in horror as they jump up and down like automotons trying to flip a sausage or grate a cell phone. We'll try in vain to introduce them to the bliss of shooting off an alien's head with a chainsaw gun or race the police with a wanted rating of five stars.
But it will be all for naught unless hardcore gamers, like me and Daorcey, start having babies and starting them on Baby's first FPS.
Funny how your post in favour of having babies sounds similar to a post against.
Hehe... Baby's First RTS
you're a horrible, sick, twisted person, Natalie.
I miss you.
Aww! I miss you too.
And Daorcey continues to steal my jokes. I said in an e-mail "Baby's first RTS, Baby's first FPS, and Baby's first RPG." It could be titles like Baby's first RTS: The Campaign Against Naptime.
Bah, the Wii type games offer a more flexible play style to those who can't devote 300 hours to a single game. With many gamers carrying two jobs (career, WoW) plus the addition of a family, they just don't have the time to collect all the bonuses, or play all the side quests in the latest blockbuster game.
That said... flipping eggs is not a game.
Have you guys tried Crackdown on the 360? This game blows any GTA title out of the water!
Where did Cosmicllama come from? Odd...
Anyway, you can attribute the above comment to moi.
Baby's First FPS: The Diaper Rash Wars
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