Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back in Blogland

Hey, remember me? I'm the guy who use to write stories about random stuff like poo ponds and embarrassing client meetings.

I've been away for a while. Not like out-of-the-city away, more like too-tired-to-care away. Since September, it seems like we've gone out of our way to ignore the blog. It's as if just yesterday Natalie went to Sudbury. Well, a couple of things have happened to keep us away:

a) It's like I've never really worked before now. I've been at the new job for just over six months and I've been getting busier and busier. Don't tell my old boss, but I'm pretty sure I was a total slacker at the old job now that I know what I can do when a bunch of projects are hurled my way. It only promises to get busier in the near future with fewer coworkers and lot more work. Trust me, I'm less interested in popping on the computer in the evening to blog away when I've been writing all day at work.

b) I was thinking that maybe I've had a less interesting life in the past while, but that's not really true. A spontaneous weekend to Auburn WA, a heating system that is currently locked on to be permanently 27 degrees, new shoes that I promise to never wear outside... there are stories to tell... I just need to get to them...

c) Oh, did I mention our new addition to the family? Following Natalie's triumphant return from the east, we promptly ran to the local electronics story and purchased and Xbox 360. Bioshock, Gears of War, Halo 3, Orange Box... if we have free time, we've been spending it with ol' Boxy.

Which brings me to why I'm back in blogland: Mass Effect.

Dang you, Arone, for helping to make a game so cool that Natalie and I plan to devote much of our waking lives to it over the next few months! Boxy's going to get a workout with this one.

The problem with this new game is that we're both excited about it, but it's only a single player role playing game. With a plot line that promises to be oh-so-cool, we can't bare to be spoiled on it by watching the other person play. So, I've graciously let Natalie have the first crack at the 50+ hour game while I hide out trying my best to not be spoiled on the story. That means, I have to avert my eyes as I walk through the living room and generally keep hidden while Natalie's making her way through a brave new world.

The best way to keep my head down? Hide in the office with the computer (the "second bedroom" space we affectionately call The Kids' Room).

And that's how I've come to be on the blog reinvesting in my online presence (Facebook doesn't count... I can't be bothered enough to make it work). There are stories to tell, and for the next month, Boxy is Natalie's buddy and effectively dead to me. Maybe I'll let you in on why we went down to the states... maybe I'll tell you why I have the window open beside me right now even though there's a touch of snow on the ground...

Maybe I'll finally play Knights of the Old Republic II, even thought it's decidedly an awful sequel to another brilliant Bioware game.

I'm back. Fire up Radio 3 and let's surf the net as though I'm single and trolling for human contact.


Ryan said...


You named your Xbox360?

So at what point do you guys break down and buy a second tv/xbox360? ;)

Daorcey Le Bray said...

Funny... Natalie was just telling me yesterday that it was me holding us back from buying a second Xbox and TV... not sure how I feel about that.

And I'm the only one who's named the Xbox Boxy, but I figure it was appropriate given the Battlestar Galactica theme this blog has had lately.

Poor Boxy.

Anonymous said...

What, no post on Mass Effect completion>? For shame!