Monday, June 25, 2007

Pretty cunning: The Sequel

The reason Mary started making a Jayne hat (that's the name of the toque in the previous post, although if you don't know the origin of it, the name doesn't help) was that I wanted an awesome Christmas present for my sister. However, she made me one too and when I pulled my hat on, I knew I couldn't deny my sister the Jayne hat for six months.

So I just put it in a box, covered it with some shredded paper and got my mom to write the note with the same text as the note that Jayne's mom wrote.

And this is what ensued.

The hat in its straw-filled box. Mmm, shredded bills.

The hat has landed!

I think Mary made someone's day

My mom looks pretty cute in this hat. Notice the matching shirt.

Not afraid of anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, that is so awesome. I'm jealous.