Friday, November 24, 2006

Nerd quotient

Daorcey is a wannabe nerd and only nerdier than 37% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I'm such a poseur.
- Daorcey

Natalie is nerd-tastic and nerdier than 75% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

To be fair, it's more to a technical nerd question than pop culture nerd. But I do have a calculator preference.
- Natalie


Anonymous said...

Apparently I'm a Supreme Nerd (93). I think I watch too much Nova. And I cheat too much.

Anonymous said...

77% Nerd

Keep in mind that I play the same videogame for more than eight hours every day, have for about 4 months now, and when I come home I play other ones. I love my job.

Anonymous said...

I got 17. yeah, that's not surprising.

james said...

At 59, I've been named "slightly nerdy," which I can live with.

All the old people at work think I'm some surpeme computer Lord, because I know what a blog is.

Anonymous said...

I got 90%.

I bow to Tony's supremeness.