Thursday, November 27, 2008

No thinking required

Being a non-Conservative voter in Calgary means you don't have to think at election time.

Really. The MP could be, say Rob Anders, and they're still elected. I've almost started thinking of my vote not as a vote for an MP but which party best deserves $1.95. As of this moment, each party receives money based on how many votes they collected, although the government might remove that.

Visiting James in Vancouver during the election drove home how lazy us non-Conservative voters are in Calgary. James faced a real dilemma in his riding.

He had two choices:

  • Vote for the Green Party candidate, a person who would represent the riding well and represented the Greens' best hope to elect an MP.
  • Or vote strategically and unenthusiastically for the Liberal candidate to avoid a Conservative majority.
Not much of a choice, in my opinion.

I think the only time I ever faced a real decision was during a university student government election. I voted for the safe candidate instead of who I really wanted. Not only did I deprive myself of giving my vote to someone who I thought deserved to win, but also a really interesting year for the News Editor.

Anyways, here are some non-Harper images we found in Vancouver.

According to Daorcey, the Danny in "Go Danny Go" is a reference to Danny Williams, Newfoundland premier.

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