10 years ago...
Amongst the election hubbub in September, I forgot to note an important occasion.
I've known Daorcey for 10 years.
I know, round numbers are a big deal to our brains when it could easily be 12 or 6 that are big deal numbers had we evolved to have just 12 or 6 digits. Anyways, yes, 10 years. And I can tell you exactly the first time I met Daorcey.
It was Sept. 6 on the pages of the Gauntlet sports section in Adobe PageMaker, probably very late. Exact, eh? I think I can even picture where the computer was.
I was laying out this story and I asked Jan, the co-EIC at the time, who was this Day-orcey kid? I mean, his name's all funny and he's from Edmonton. The piece is well written, but he's kinda odd. She explained he had written for the Gateway but was coming to Calgary to do his degree.
If you click on the story, you can see the illustration and this is going to sound really odd. I thought for about two weeks that's what Daorcey looked like.
So that's how I met Daorcey for the first time.
I just read his article and already I'm in love with him.
I clicked on the story and now I'm going to think of him as being that illustration from now on.
I think the illustration is dead on.
I think that article would have benefited from a rewrite by future Daorcey. And, I vote for this post being fairly romantic.
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